Frequently Asked Questions

- You can visit our website www.siovue.com and find the corresponding product.
- You can log in within the application by clicking the login button. If you haven't made a purchase before, click the account button (also the login button) and a pop-up window will display the purchase button.
- Click the purchase button to proceed to the payment page.
- You may need to enter your account password or go through other identity verification steps.
- After a successful purchase, click the refresh purchase status button or restart the program within the application.

Yes, all our software provides a free trial feature. The trial limitations may vary for different products, and the program will inform you of the specific usage restrictions during trial.

When a new version is available, the program will prompt you with a pop-up window upon startup, asking if you want to upgrade to the latest version.

Yes, we have a 30-day refund policy. If the software does not meet your expectations or requirements, you can request a refund, and we will process it promptly.

When making a purchase, you can choose the number of devices. The number of devices represents the number of devices that your purchased account can be used on.